





The Shrew (Will you, Won't you) - A Musical Cabaret

This adaptation of Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew was played throughout Queensland, including Brisbane and northern New South Wales. The reaction of the audience tended to be ecstatic, participatory. This production of the Shrew was like stand up comedy; an event that took place not behind a conventionalised or audience internalised fourth wall but profoundly, absorbedly in the room here and now. This Shrew excited people in the audience to jump up and momentarily insert themselves in the action uninvited and unrehearsed, yet with grace and aplomb. This Shrew freed tongues in the audience to go far beyond any conventionalised audience participation and made them loquacious and boldly witty... This Shrew played not to but vigorously with its audience, its audience played equally vigorously in response – including with one another. When the show was done and dusted, its content and import were dissolved: all was happy, content, full.

The Taming of the Shrew (Will You, Won’t You?) toured various licensed club venues Southeast Queensland (Greater Brisbane). Featuring Heather Johansen, Mick Earnshaw and Steve Hyde, supported at times by the Taking Liberties Ensemble. Director: GJ Kalic. A Taking Liberties Theatre Company production.


Loved it! We were so impressed…It was a great boost to the Club itself, because we got so many new faces in. We have wanted to bring more people to the club. By having this theatre restaurant, we got nothing but good reports. The stage show itself was professional, extremely funny. One of the best parts was the participation of the audience, the way the players got the audience involved in the show. When it was first said the show was Shakespeare (Taming Of The Shrew) nobody knew what to expect. But the audience warmed to it straight away - Steve MacGuire, Westem Suburbs Leagues Club, Bundaberg.
